Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Book Meme - You've Been Tagged

Okay, so I'm borrowing a fun idea from Always Wanted Four's blog, and if you're reading this, you've been tagged for a Book Meme. Since the rules are to grab the nearest book, my post is from New York Times Bestselling Author Karen Kingsbury's newest book, Every Now & Then, the third of her 9/11 Series.

Here is the meme:

The rules:

  1. Grab the nearest book.
  2. Open to page 56.
  3. Find the fifth sentence.
  4. Post the text of the next 2 to 5 sentences, along with these rules.
  5. Don't dig for your favorite book, the cool book, or the intellectual book. Pick the CLOSEST!
  6. Tag five other people to do the same!

My lines:

"My mom and I have a lot to work through, Holly. Try to understand."

She tried, and at first she figured he was in shock, the way most of the country and particularly the people of New York City were. But as the horrible days turned into weeks, his distance from her and the indifference toward her remained.

Whereas before the attacks Alex had spent most of his free time with her, afterwards he wanted only to come home and study, or run at the track.

So, I cheated on Rule No. 6. I'm not tagging anyone specifically. It's an open tag; whoever reads, please check in and show us what you're reading.

In the meantime, since I'm only on Page 24, I'll have to backtrack.

1 comment:

Sepiru Chris said...


I am reading "Contemporary Issues in the law of Treaties" (for fun, not for work) at this moment so I would post:

The fourth pattern is exemplified by the International Labour Organization (the "ILO") and involves "treaty making that is constitutionally sanctioned, even mandated, under the charter of a formal full-fledged [IGO] that tries to pressure its members to ratify the treaties produced by the regime." [footnote 28, J. Alvarez, "The New Treaty Makers", 25 Boston College International and Compartive Law Review [2002], 228 citing G. Handl, "Environmental Security and Global Challenge: The Challenge of International Law," in H. Neuhold, W. Lang, K. Zemanek (eds.), Environmental Protection and International Law (1991), at 59-89]

As Alvarez describes, the ILO Constitution attaches strings to its legal instruments, requiring action by the ILO members and involving strict monitoring. The increasing role of IGOs in the in the [sic] treaty-making process has enabled less powerful States to be more meaningfully involved in the treaty-making process; it has enabled wider participation of NGOs in various forms of diplomacy reserved previously for States; changed the role of the State (on one the hand [sic], we witness the increase in power of other actors and civil society; on the other hand, IGOs "remain vehicles for the assertion of state power"[footnote 29 Id., at 228]); and finally, IGOs have increased the volume of available information to treaty initiators.[Footnote 30 Id.]

I think you can see why I will not be taking this tag back to my blog...

*big grin*
